77 Shadow Street by Dean Koontz

Every 38 years The Pendleton is faced with mass murders and suicide. Some people just disappear never to be found again. But no on knows that it happens every 38 years except an old retired attorney named Silas who after his wife's death has become obsessed with The Pendleton's history. Then there is The One who is coming to get some of the people. He is The One. He's everything. He with The Witness will create a personal hell hole for The Pandleton residents. A time they will never forget or will have no more time to remember.

Finally the second book in my family's book club has been read and honestly thank God for that because this book like my mom has said before is like "pulling teeth". The beginning was like this. The last parts were pretty interesting seeing it all come together but it was just not for me.

The story is told through the perspectives of several people including The One and The Witness. You never know who The One is until much later and The Witness to almost the end which makes you anticipate a little. There is Twyla who is a songwriter with her son Winny who loves books and could never really get into sports and music like his absent father wants. Then there is Sparkle Sykes who has only ever feared lightning after watching her father get electrocuted and die. She has an autistic daughter who loves Bambi. There's also an assassin, an ex-marine, an ex-senator, and others.

So you know that I was not this books biggest fan. It dragged on too much for me. It took way too long to get to the exciting bits. Well to the actual story. There was some creepy things going on but again it only really picked up at the end. I will give it to the author. He was able to put it all together in the end nicely though some things I found unnecessary. He leaves you with a sense of there could be more to it. But with such an acclaimed author I expected more. Everyone says to read his books but I just could get into it as much as I should have. Oh well. My aunt claims his books aren't usually like this so maybe one day I'll try him again. Second book club read down and the third one coming up. The Snow Child is already showing promise.


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